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Martha Stewart Living (CBS), Meringue Snowmen With Michel (December 18, 2000)

Meringue is easy to form when wet but holds its shape after baking, so it's ideal for creating pastries in fanciful shapes. Chef Michel Richard, of Citronelle in Washington, D.C., uses meringue to build these charming snowmen, which are filled with chocolate mousse and decorated with marzipan hats and scarves...Recommended Reading: Michel Richard's "Home Cooking with a French Accent" (William Morrow and Company, 1993; out of print) For out-of-print books, try BookFinder.com.

The Detroit News, Shop Bots Give Santa Online Assistance (December 4, 2000)

Thank goodness for shop bots. Shop bots--also called trading agents--are automatically operated software programs that retrieve and deliver information. Bot is short for robot. In a nutshell, shop bots are online concierge services that scour the Web for the best prices at Internet speed...Shop smarter. Here are some popular comparison shopping sites, or shop bots: BookFinder.com -- It's billed as the ultimate resource for book shoppers.

The Washington Post, Virtual Bookstore (December 3, 2000)

[Article looks at how the book market playing field is being leveled.] Brand recognition counts for a lot, and some people find it easier to deal with one known company rather than dozens of faceless booksellers. Others prefer to save money...BookFinder.com functions as sort of a search engine for book search engines.

India Currents, Desi Dot Coms (December 2000)

[Is the Internet killing print? Apparently not.] At BookFinder.com you can search in real time across the inventory of over 20,000 booksellers, ranging in size from Amazon.com to tiny family-run bookstores. Type in the author and title in the search engine to get a list of the best prices for the book--new or used--from any of thousands of online booksellers...Judging by BookFinder.com's success, the era of the e-book doesn't seem like an invasion with any threats for the future.

Yahoo! Internet Life, Old Way Net Way: Comparing the Tried-and-True with the Net-and-New (December 2000)

Task: Finding and obscure cookbook...1) Searched the big online stores--Amazon.com and BN.com: Barnes & Noble. Struck out. 2) Tried BookFinder.com, which compares prices of online booksellers, and found a long list of Web stores that had secondhand copies of the book at prices ranging from $7 to about $30. 3) Ordered a mint-condition copy thorough BookFinder.com at Greenapple. The cost: $14.50, including shipping.

Time Digital, Digital's Guide to E-Shopping (December 2000)

[The Web is a shopper's paradise and Time Digital has compiled a guide for very kind of gift imaginable.] 'Tis the season of good cheer -- and frantic shopping. But there's no need to race desperately from store to store, list in hand. Instead, fire up your Yule log and go online, where the weather's fine and the surfing's easy. [BookFinder.com is featured as one of the Internet's best stores for Holiday shopping.] Believe us: if you can't buy it online, you probably can't buy it anywhere.

Yahoo! Internet Life, Tome for the Holidays (December 2000)

[E-Shopping Guide evaluated hundreds of e-commerce sites and distilled their search down to "The 20 Best and Worst online shopping sites of 2000". Holiday issue features BookFinder.com as a service that's revolutionized the used-book business, putting almost any title at everyone's fingertips, making hunting for out-of-print books easy.] Finally, there's BookFinder.com, a meta-search engine, which links users to more than 20,000 sources, including ABE and Bibliofind.

Martha Stewart Living (CBS), Cooking: Steamed Pork Buns With Eileen (November 29, 2000)

Recomended reading: Eileen Yin-Fei Lo 'The Dim Sum Book: Classic recipes from the Chinese Teahouse' (out-of-print); 'Eileen Yin-Fei Lo's New Cantonese Cooking' (out-of-print); 'The Chinese Banquet Cookbook' (out-of-print). For rare and out-of-print books, try www.BookFinder.com.

The Fort-Worth Star Telegram, Surprise: An out-of-the-box gift guide for art lovers who dare to be different (November 26, 2000)

[Canvassing the arts scene, lifestyle editors have unearthed the unusual.] These are gifts that will be remembered long after the tree has been carted out...For out-of-print masterpieces, we recommend www.BookFinder.com

Gulf News, Going by the book (November 21, 2000)

Dare, dream and discover. It's not about paper or the printed word. It's about opening up the doors -- to the known and the unknown. It's all about books....www.bookfinder.com: This online store allows readers to shop for new, used and rare books from over 20,000 bookstores around the world. Originally developed in 1996 as a class project by founder Anirvan Chatterjee (its CEO today), it was recently relaunched as a literary shopping engine with a database of over 20 million books for sale, making it the world's largest book catalogue. The site has been recommended by The New York Times and the Library of Congress, U.S., and is a favourite among librarians and booksellers -- people who buy and sell books for a living. It was also voted by Newsweek and Money magazine as "one of the two best book sites online" (the other, in both cases, was amazon.com).

San Francisco Business Times, Finding Growth: Founders' Passion for Technology Fuels Search Engine's Success (November 17, 2000)

[Small Business Growth Strategies cover story chronicles BookFinder.com's business model.] Many people dream of working at a job that they are passionate about. As Robert Frost wrote: "My object in living is to unite / My avocation and my vocation / As my two eyes make one in sight." Few people are lucky enough to reach this goal in life, but Anirvan Chatterjee and Charlie Hsu seem to be two of them...But eventually, the duo decided to remain true to the original concept of the book search engine, to grow vertically rather than horizontally. Unlike giants like Amazon.com, or smaller competitors like Productopia and Dealtime, which Chatterjee dismisses as "jacks of all trades, masters of none," BookFinder.com would remain just that -- a great way to find books. "We want to be a really cool niche player that doesn't want to take over the world," Chatterjee says. Both describe this as perhaps the most important decision they've made about the company.

[Boek] The UFO Book of Lists van Stephen J Spignesi (November 15, 2000)

97 Novels About UFOs and Aliens: If you are interested in actually owning a copy of some of the rarer titles listed here, there are also many used-book search engines and services on the Internet. I suggest you start with a site called BookFinder.com (http://www.bookfinder.com/), a fabulous engine that searches many of the used-book sites on the Web.

The Times (London) (Verenigd Koninkrijk), Good Web guide: Literary (November 11, 2000)

[London Times deputy literary editor James Eve looks at how bookselling in particular, has taken advantage of new technology.] Although only a small percentage of total book sales take place online, the internet is one of the most convenient and powerful ways of tracking down bargains, obscure titles and collectors items. ... My favourite, though, has to be www.bookfinder.com, which acts as an umbrella for over 20,000 secondhand booksellers across the world. Type in a title and author and up springs a list of stockists, from cheap paperback editions costing pennies, to bank-busting collectors items. Ever dreamt about owning a first edition of Lord of the Flies, signed by William Golding? Well, it's there on bookfinder -- yours for just £3,000.

Entertainment Weekly, Recommended Sites for 2000 (November 10, 2000)

Bookfinder.com. A no-frills metasearch engine that scours over 20,000 online sources for new, out-of-print, first edition, or signed books. Shipping is direct from the seller, so no price mark-ups. No gift services or phone help. Strict privacy policy.

The Hartford Courant (Connecticut), A Web Surfers' Guide to the Universe: Places Where the Web-Savvy Find the Surfin's Just Fine (November 6, 2000)

[Consumer story looks at how the Internet has become a part of everyday life.] "a place to go for almost everything...BookFinder.com...Most people don't know about this site. It has 21 million rare and out-of-print books, and there is no commission cost that you find on other sites. It has books that date back to the 1500s, right up to used books of today. It's worldwide, and it's unbelievable.

Searcher, Shopping Bots: Santa's Electronic Elves (November 2000)

[Feature looks at new technologies that are improving the online shopping experience by automatically searching the Web for specific products and the best prices for them.] Bots, which is short for robots, are intelligent agents that automatically access, filter, evaluate, and integrate information on the Internet...For finding the best prices on used books, you can't do better than BookFinder.com. Fast and efficient, BookFinder.com is the database to start with for used, fine, rare, and out-of-print books. It searches Advanced Book Exchange, Alibris, Amazon, Antiqbook, Barnes & Noble, Bibliofind, Fatbrain, Powell's Books, and others at once: 15,000,000 books, 15,000 book dealers. Run by Anirvan Chatterjee, a graduate student at the School of Information Management and Systems (formerly known as the Library School), UC Berkeley.

Boca Raton (Florida), The Book Finder (November 2000)

Bibliophiles will love www.BookFinder.com -- a book search service recommended by the Library of Congress that allows readers to comparison shop for new, used and rare books from its network of 20,000 booksellers worldwide -- from giants like Amazon.com to little mom-and-pop stores. It even tells you where to find collectors' books, like the 1932 first-edition, first printing, inscribed, dated and signed copy of William Faulkner's 'Light in August.'

Opera News, What to Read and Hear (November 2000)

The New York Metropolitan Opera Guild publication recommends opera, libretto, and opera singer history resouces for Der Rosenkavalier, La Traviata, Der Fliegende Hollander, and The Merry Widow. "Bernard Grun's Gold and Silver: The Life and Times of Franz Lehar" (1970) is available only through used bookstores and the internet (e.g. www.BookFinder.com).

Surf Alert (US Forest Service), Finding and Purchasing Books (November 2000)

BookFinder.com is a one-stop search site that lets users view the collections of over 20,000 sellers of new, used, rare, and out-of-print books. The twenty million titles available comprise the largest book catalog available anywhere, either online or offline. BookFinder.com's goal is to provide fellow readers unbiased real-time information about books available online.

The Daily Telegraph (London) (Verenigd Koninkrijk), How to buy the best on the Net (Oktober 28, 2000)

The other night, for some bizarre reason, I found myself sitting at a dinner party surrounded by grand literary types. Everyone was raving about a web site called www.bookfinder.com. I felt slightly ashamed that I had never heard of it. So the next day I went and had a peek. And do you know what? They were right. BookFinder.com is a bibliophile's dream.

The San Francisco Chronicle, Turning the Page: Antiquarian Bookstores Find a Niche in an Increasingly Online World (Oktober 21, 2000)

In a blend of the old and the new, sellers of antiquarian and rare books are getting on the Internet. [Business feature reports that dealers have acknowledged that the Net represents a powerful new way to reach potential customers.] Nowadays, many collectors, if they know in advance what they're seeking, do their shopping online at such used-book outlets as the Bay Area's Alibris.com and BookFinder.com.

Free Pint Bookshelf (Verenigd Koninkrijk), The E-Commerce Question And Answer Book (Oktober 19, 2000)

Also, not surprisingly, given the name, it deals in out-of-print geological books but in my view a better search site for that purpose, is Bookfinder: <http://www.bookfinder.com/> The BookFinder.com site is excellent for locating all types of out-of-print books, and not just geological.

[Boek] Make Every Minute Count: 750 Tips and Strategies to Revolutionize How You Manage Your Time van Harlan L. Lane & Christian Wayser (Oktober 12, 2000)

Books: Practical solutions for managing your time so you can spend more of it doing the things you most enjoy...You can purchase new and out-of-print books on the Web...www.bookfinder.com

Martha Stewart Living (CBS), Project: Decorative Painting On A Chair With Mark (Oktober 9, 2000)

Recommended Reading: Dean A. Fales Jr. 'American Painted Furniture 1660-1880' (Dutton, 1972; out-of-print); F. Lewis Hinckley 'Hepplewhite, Sheraton, and Regency Furniture' (Washington Mews Books, 1987; out-of-print); Cynthia V. A. Schaffner and Susan Klein 'American Painted Furniture: 1790-1880' (Clarkson Potter, 1998; $65). For rare and out-of-print books, try BookFinder.com

India West Business Magazine, Website for Books Rubs Shoulders with Big Players (Oktober 6, 2000)

Move over Amazon.com, here comes BookFinder.com. Well, that may be a bit of hyperbole, but only in the dizzying anything-can-happen world of Internet commerce would a twenty-something bibliophile computer whiz manage to rustle up an online business that can be mentioned in the same breath with Amazon, the Internet bookselling behemoth...[Anirvan Chatterjee comments on his business:] The thing is, most people know about Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com, and what we are doing is essentially bringing the entire market, including independent booksellers, online...It's a little frightening and also exciting (that) for a very large number of booksellers we are becoming important to them in terms of being a very important way for people to find out (about them). If your a small bookseller, then you need people like BookFinder.com.

AskMen.com, The Best & Coolest Sites Around (Oktober 3, 2000)

www.BookFinder.com. AskMen.com Rates This Site: 8/10. Description: Search +engine that finds the best buys from 20 million new, used, rare, and out of print books for sale. What We Think: Well with such a huge selection of books, you'll never run out of material to read. Best Feature: You might get lucky and find a book that has been off the market for years.

[Boek] First Week With My New PC: A Very Basic Guide for Mature Adults & Everyone Else van Pamela R. Lessing (Oktober 1, 2000)

Appendices: More books: www.bookfinder.com

North Carolina Libraries Journal, After Floyd: Reaching Out to Help Flood Victims Recover Precious Possessions (Oktober 2000)

ECU's risk management office submitted a claim to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and to the North Carolina Department of Insurance. The processing costs from the library insurance valuation were included in the replacement cost of the books. All available titles were ordered and invoices were coded 'FLOYD' so they could be easily identified. We were surprised to learn that several of the out-of-print books could be replaced so easily by searching the Internet at http://www.bookfinder.com/

Yahoo!'s Easy Internet Magazine, Savvy Online Shopping: Incredibly Useful Bots (Oktober 2000)

The next time you head out on an online shopping trip, employ the services of a personal shopping bot...Bookfinder.com searches through 20,000 online bookseller databases...With this information in hand, you can always get the lowest price on the web.

The Times (San Francisco Bay Area), Bookmen's Holidays (September 30, 2000)

[Feature recounts the fortuitous meeting of BookFinder.com founders, Anirvan Chatterjee and Charlie Hsu, in middle school.] So it makes sense that they'd end up working together, founding a business that combines their interest in technology and books. BookFinder.com, which they operate out a converted warehouse near the UC-Berkeley campus, is the little search engine that could, finding used and rare books for customers and putting them directly in touch with booksellers all over the world.

QuePasa.com, Useful Websites #10 - Between books, drinks and surgery (September 28, 2000)

For now, let me tell you about an agent called BookFinder.com. The job of this agent is to find the book you want. You can search it by topic, author name or by the title. You can also search to see if it's available in hardcover, soft cover or if it's a first edition, and you can even limit the price range you are willing to pay for it. The results show the author(s), full title, price, ISBN number, format (new or used, hardcover, etc.) and other additional notes. This particular agent searches through the largest online bookstores.

ZDNet, Computer Shopper: Books & Music (September 25, 2000)

BookFinder.com: Pros: mailing list for booksellers BookFinder.com is a search engine that scans the databases of 15,000 booksellers to find new, used, rare, and out-of-print books. It's a quick way to search many independent bookstores at once for hard-to-find titles.

India Today, Spotlight: Anirvan Chatterjee (September 25, 2000)

How is you company different? 'We take books very seriously. We are not interested in best-selling books alone. We have a greater range of titles, particularly of used and out-of-print books.'

The Kansas City Star, A Poet on the Rise: Philip Stephens Will Read at Writers Place (September 24, 2000)

Try this site: www.BookFinder.com which plugs you into a powerful search tool that digs through the wares of 20,000 booksellers. BookFinder.com comes highly recommended from no less than the Library of Congress.

[Boek] Wedding Kit for Dummies van Marcy Blum & Laura Fisher Kaiser (September 21, 2000)

A Rousing Reception: The Victorians took floriography to new heights by producing several books on the subject, the most famous being La Langue de Fleurs. A search on...www.bookfinder.com will turn up many versions that have been published since the 1850s, including Kate Greenaway's classic Language of Flowers (London, Routledge), published in 1884.

Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service, Pop Music is Laying Down Some Scholarly Licks for the Book World (September 13, 2000)

'The Jefferson Airplane and the San Francisco Sound', by Ralph J. Gleason, 1969. What seemed at first glance to be just a quickie paperback was saved by the palpable enthusiasm of the author, who was close to twice the age of the musicians he was writing about. At the BookFinder.com Web site (www.bookfinder.com) copies have been commanding up to $45.

thinkIndia, Anirvan's Search Engine Finds Success (September 13, 2000)

Can't a computer programmer have the soul of a poet? [Nirshan Perera looks into BookFinder.com's success.] Indeed, in the mammoth discount-chain world of Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com, market analysts say that BookFinder and similar sites have handed a new lease on life to the small, independent bookshop around the corner. They have also given readers a precious tool to have the whole holy grail of literature at their fingertips.

The Kansas City Star, Rock 'n' Read Pop Music is Laying Down Some Scholarly Licks for the Book World (September 10, 2000)

[Feature story asserts that books and music are not mutually exclusive. The Star looks at the importance of used and out-of-print music genre books.] The Jefferson Airplane and the San Francisco Sound, by Ralph J. Gleason, 1969. What seemed at first glance to be just a quickie paperback was saved by the palpable enthusiasm of the author. At the BookFinder.com Web site (www.bookfinder.com) copies have been commanding up to $45.

The New York Times, Site Invites Shoppers To Wax Eloquent (Augustus 24, 2000)

[BookFinder.com is compared favorably against mega search engine Google and new shopping service Respond.com in online shopping column.] Some responses to queries for books, for instance, came from individual booksellers and turned out to be less comprehensive than if I had simply used a specialized search engine like BookFinder.com to look for the same material.

Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News, Internet Expands Customer Base for Sellers of Used Books (Augustus 6, 2000)

There is also a 'metasearch' or umbrella service called BookFinder.com, at www.bookfinder.com, that lists the various services available and provides links to them. It also offers a search function that can search book listings from about 20,000 bookstores.

The Florida Times-Union, Internet Expands Customer Base for Sellers of Used Books (Augustus 5, 2000)

Helpful hints: A handy way to find a book on the Internet is to go to BookFinder, at www.BookFinder.com, which will not only search for a book from the listings of 20,000 booksellers but also lists the major Web-based book listing services, which display books listed by booksellers around the U.S. and overseas.

American Libraries, In Charleston, Home Libraries are as Individualistic as their Owners (Augustus 1, 2000)

Large though his library is, Waddell plans to keep adding to it. He buys from a few stores in Charleston but also on Ebay and BookFinder.com.

Computer Bits, Surfing the Internet. Where's the cat? Book-buying on the Web. (Augustus 2000)

You want a copy of a hot new book or you're searching for a sentimental favorite. The Web has an assortment of mega-booksearch sites. Start with BookFinder.com which not only works with individual book dealers, but also links to other major meta-booksearch sites. BookFinder.com searches inventories of over 15,000 online book dealers, offering over 20 million items. As the site says, "The Library of Congress recommends it; both Newsweek and Money magazines called it one of the two best book sites online (the other, in both cases, being Amazon.com)." BookFinder.com searches "new book" sellers, including 1BookStreet.com, A1Books, Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, BookBuyers Outlet, BookCloseOuts.com, Fatbrain.com, and (of course!) Powell's Books.

[Boek] Choosing Books for Children: A Commonsense Guide van Betsy Hearne (Augustus 2000)

Search sites such as BookFinder.com...will allow you to search a multitude of store and dealer listings simultaneously...the original book-search site on the World Wide Web, BookFinder.com allows you to search in one pass through the inventories of several worldwide consortia and large new and used bookstores.

[Boek] Internet Complete van Sybex (Augustus 2000)

Buying and Selling Online: Without ever leaving your home, you can access the world's largest selection of books for sale. "So? Everybody already knows that," you say. But did you know that you can get hard-to-find, out-of-print, and antique books as well? Remember that great book you had when you were a child? Do you collect books and paraphernalia about the Civil War or some other subject? Because of the global nature of the Internet, you can locate hard-to-find books on virtually any subject. All you need is access to the Internet and a credit card that hasn't expired or exceeded its limit...The Web site at www.bookfinder.com also lets you search for new, used, rare, and out-of-print books

American Libraries, In Charleston, Home Libraries are as Individualistic as Their Owners (Augustus 2000)

Waddell says he enjoys traveling to Europe because he can buy books there and bring them back into the United States without having to pay a customs charge. 'This has really helped to build American libraries and museums,' he said. 'You could buy a Gutenberg Bible and not have to pay tax on it!' Large though his library is, Waddell plans to keep adding to it. He buys from a few stores in Charleston but also on Ebay and BookFinder.com.

The Buffalo News (New York), Browsing for Books (Juli 25, 2000)

[Lifestyle feature looks at the how the internet is complementing local used bookstores as more readers are making their purchases with the click of a computer.] BookFinder.com differs in that it is a web site that searches other web sites, like Bibliofind and Amazon for used, rare and new books without having any book entries on its on site.

The Florida Times-Union, Internet Feeds a Hunger for Cookbooks (Juli 24, 2000)

There is even a search engine that will search all of the other search sites (www.BookFinder.com). Imagine this: At any time, with a couple of mouse clicks, you can find anything you want -- no, anything you need.

Forbes, Librarians At The Gate (Juli 24, 2000)

[Entrepreneur feature discusses how BookFinder.com has turned wisdom into money using metadata.] Anirvan Chatterjee is using the classic form of meta-data--a bibliographic description similar to the ones typed onto those billions of old card catalog entries--to power a popular comparison-shopping engine for books. His Berkeley, Calif.-based company is BookFinder.com...What advantages does Chatterjee offer over Amazon? A greater range of titles, particularly of used and out-of-print books.

The Los Angeles Times, Internet Feeds a Hunger for Cookbooks (Juli 24, 2000)

[Food writer Russ Parsons talks about his pleasure.] The cookbooks I want -- no, the cookbooks I must have -- are old, but not so old as to be antique. Most of my collection was published after 1950. I rarely spend more than $30 for a book. Walk into almost any bookstore and 90 percent of the cookbooks have been published in the last two years. Most of them in the last six months. Cookbooks have a shelf life shorter than many of the ingredients they call for. This may not mean anything to you non-collectors, but here's the deal: The vast majority of high-quality used book stores in the United States now have their entire inventories posted on various search sites on the Internet, updated, in most cases, weekly. There is even a search engine that will search all of the other search sites (www.BookFinder.com). Imagine this: At any time, with a couple of mouse clicks, you can find anything you want -- no, anything you need.

The Saint Louis Dispatch, E-Commerce Invades Musty Shelves of a Used-Book Store (Juli 10, 2000)

www.BookFinder.com is a Web site used-book fans can search to buy books or find information.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, E-commerce Invades Musty Shelves of a Used-Book Store (Juli 3, 2000)

These are some of the Web sites used-book fans can search to buy books or find information: Advanced Book Exchange - www.abebooks.com, Alibris - www.alibris.com Bibliofind - www.bibliofind.com, BookFinder.com - www.bookfinder.com.

The Charleston Advisor, Rare Book Searching and Buying on the Web (Juli 2000)

[Information professionals' journal rates BookFinder.com the highest overall in critical usability analysis.] BookFinder is the oldest and simplest (as in, tis the gift to be simple) of the sites reviewed...Unlike the other two sites [Alibris and 21 North Main], it also searches a number of dealers in new volumes as well as used/rare book dealers...Unlike the other sites, BookFinder clearly identifies the sources on which its database draws, both as a distinct list and for each entry in its results." The reviewer also finds that "in addition to retrieving more copies, price also is a major characteristic of BookFinder...In random test after random test, BookFinder's prices for the same item were 25-40% lower than those available from Alibris or 21 North Main.

[Boek] Guide to Information Sources in the Physical Sciences van David Stern (Juni 15, 2000)

Out-of-Print Dealers: Out-of-print titles can be ordered through out-of-print dealers. Searching and ordering can be accomplished across a number of dealers using the online clearinghouse at URL http://www.bookfinder.com/

The Times (London) (Verenigd Koninkrijk), Hammer Out a Deal on the Net (Juni 6, 2000)

[United Kingdom newspaper reports on the arrival of Sotheby's along with other prominent sites creating a worldwide market place for collectors and dealers.] In addition, both dealers and auction houses are linking into group sites, such as BookFinder.com which claims to offer access to the stock of some 15,000 booksellers worldwide.

The San Diego Union Tribune, Bio Bytes (Juni 6, 2000)

[Science Fiction writer Vernor Vinge picks BookFinder.com as a favorite web site.] BookFinder.com allows searches of used- and rare-book dealers all over the Internet -- and gives you access to the best prices. It is a winner for anyone who has searched and searched for that barely remembered title, and it is a winner for the used book dealers who charge reasonable prices.

Slate, The Midlist Reader's Bliss (Juni 5, 2000)

And if your desired midlist book is out of print, you can nearly always find it at BookFinder.com or one of the other online used bookstores, usually for no more than you'd pay for a new trade paperback. (Chatterbox's hardcover copy of Infinite Jest, as yet unread, was bought used.) When e-books come in, out-of-print midlist books will be easier still to get--indeed, they won't truly be 'out of print' at all!

[Boek] A Time to Read: Good Books for Growing Readers van Mary Ruth Wilkinson, Heidi Wilkinson Teel (Juni 1, 2000)

Helps Along the Way to Good Books for Children: Internet--The best source for specific out-of-print books. Try www.bookfinder.com, among others.

[Boek] What Art Is: The Esthetic Theory of Ayn Rand van Louis Torres & Michelle Marder Kamhi (Juni 2000)

Internet Sources: Internet Sources...BookFinder.com: <http://www.bookfinder.com/>

Forbes, Best of the Web (Juni 2000)

[Forbes' editors unearth the Best of the Web. The Browsing the Virtual Stacks category cites BookFinder.com as the only comparison site.] It works. Gets you prices from all over the web. It will help you find any of over 15 million new, used, rare, or out-of-print books. This Berkeley based web site uses 15,000 sellers to locate the book you want.

Maine Sunday Telegram (Portland, ME), Miss That Long-Lost Cookbook? 'Net Will Get YOU Cooking (Mei 28, 2000)

Do you have a cookbook that is falling apart? Have you lost your treasured '1946 Woman's Home Companion Cookbook?' Perhaps there's a Betty Crocker annual that has a recipe you would like to find again. My search for out-of-print cookbooks began when a pair of young pups happily shredded Michael Field's 'All Manner of Food,' and a James Villas classic -- 'Villas At Table.' While the texts were still usable, the covers were gone. (In the used book parlance, the pages weren't "foxed;" they were "dogged.") Bookstores informed me that they were no longer available. This was the status quo until I read about Web sites that specialize in such problems. This was welcome news: the Internet makes it possible for users to comparison-shop among thousands of bookstores and to browse through the titles...What has been called the "search engine of search engines," is run by University of California, Berkeley students and can be found at www.BookFinder.com.

The Baltimore Sun, Used Books Flying Off the Virtual Shelves (Mei 22, 2000)

[Article looks into how web sites give bibliophiles a way to track down hard-to-find volumes, and prove a boon to secondhand sellers. BookFinder.com is cited as a best bet for bargains.] BookFinder (www.bookfinder.com): A metasearch engine for books with a database of 20 million volumes from thousands of sources, including ABE and Bibliofind.

North County Times (San Diego), Why We Need an Internet Sales Tax (Mei 14, 2000)

I buy a lot of books through www.BookFinder.com, a terrific Web site that carries a list of bookstores that stock out-of-print used books. Type in a title or author, and you get a list of stores with the book in stock, along with the condition of the book, the price, phone number, e-mail address and the real address of the store.

The New York Times, Measuring the Value of an Old Friend (Mei 4, 2000)

[Online Shopper Columnist Michelle Slatalla discusses searching for books online.] I have used BookFinder.com for about a year and a half and like it for many reasons. [BookFinder.com is profiled as the best resource for finding used books, common and rare on the web.] With a database of 20 million books and listings from over 20,000 sources including those of large listing services like the Advanced Book Exchange and Bibliofind, the search engine eliminates the need to separate visits to multiple sellers' sites...In all five cases, BookFinder.com's results offered more copies, more editions and lower prices.

India Abroad, Bibliophile strikes gold tracing old new books (April 21, 2000)

Always interested in books, Chatterjee says: 'I wanted to integrate that with this exciting new medium.' Today, BookFinder.com has close to 20,000 vendors, 80 percent of them in the U.S. and 20 percent abroad, for avid and interested readers to tap into and find the best prices for old and new books and even rare finds. 'We offer a very solid product. It's very easy to understand and is focused on books,' he adds. Competition does not worry Chatterjee. He has, in fact, made potential competitors into friends, including Amazon.com and Barnes & Nobles. 'We are the intelligent middleman, like a friend whom you might ask where you can find a book,' says Chatterjee. 'We don't look for a special arrangement with a vendor. We show everything that is good for the consumer, not just what is good for us.'

The Detroit News, Farmington Explores Online Mall for shoppers (April 17, 2000)

[Feature looks at the how the Internet is actually boosting an increasing number of small, independent book businesses.] I went to BookFinder.com which led me to Books Abound who had copies of the textbooks I was looking for. I found all the textbooks we needed from small bookshops around the country and they arrived at my rural doorstep within a few days.

Library Journal, Your Discards May be Somebody's Treasure (April 1, 2000)

And then came the Internet, notably eBay (www.ebay.com) and specialized book sites like Bibliofind (www.bibliofind.com) and BookFinder.com (www.bookfinder. com). (The latter [BookFinder.com] searches a range of book sites, including Bibliofind.) eBay's the largest Internet auction site, with some three million items for sale, divided into categories. About one tenth of the items are books.

Money Magazine, This Old Book. The Web Takes the Chaos Out of Buying Used Books (April 2000)

[Money identifies the best new-book sites offering comparison shopping services.] I'd suggest comparing prices using a nifty site called BookFinder.com that searches all the sites mentioned here.

Sound & Video Contractor, Suggestions For the Contractor's Library (April 2000)

If you have trouble finding any of these titles in your local book store, you might consider trying to find them on www.BookFinder.com, which is a powerful search engine covering many different sources for new and used books.

[Boek] The Copyeditor's Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications: With Exercises and Answer Keys van Amy Einsohn (April 2000)

Reference Books and Resources: At the moment Miss Thistlebottom's Hobgoblins is out of print, but the Internet makes searching for used and new copies of out-of-print books relatively painless (try www.bookfinder.com).

History Computer Review, News and Notes (Maart 22, 2000)

There's a book you want. Where do you turn? There are quite a few book search services on the web. Many sellers of new and used books are now online, so these services can be quite useful. Arguably the best is BookFinder.com -- you'll get a list of places you can email and the price they want for the book.

Egypt News Digest, On the Web: Books (Maart 11, 2000)

Looking for some recommended reading material then why not visit Rogerio Sodre's new 'Sphinx Temple Bookstore' at http://sphinxbooks.virtualave.net. Can't find what you're looking for? Then check out this link http://www.bookfinder.com to BookFinder.com who claim to offer '15 million new, used, rare, and out of print books'.

Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News, Chesapeake, Va., Family Founds Company to Find Books on Internet (Maart 8, 2000)

The McTeers acknowledged that in most cases anyone with an Internet connection could go through the same process themselves and save some money. Popular databases such as BookFinder.com, for example, are among the many used by the McTeers. And they noted that small bookstores often provide such services as a sideline to walk-in business.

The Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star, Local Online Book Seller Teams With Web Site (Maart 7, 2000)

The McTeers acknowledged that in most cases anyone with an Internet connection could go through the same process themselves and save money. Popular databases such as www.BookFinder.com, for example, are among the many used by the McTeers.

The Observer (London) (Verenigd Koninkrijk), Spitsbergen: Deep freeze Hugh Stephenson dons three layers of clothing in July to sail in his own boat to the Svalbard Archipelago, one of the world's true last wildernesses, and a mere 600 miles from the North Pole (Maart 5, 2000)

'Letters form High Latitudes by the Earl of Dufferin' (first published 1856, modern edition Merlin Press, secondhand copies freely available via www.BookFinder.com...'A Woman in the Polar Night' by Christiane Ritter (translated from German, also to be found via www.BookFinder.com.

The Detroit News, Web Shopping About To Get Easier (Februari 25, 2000)

The Internet is supposed to be a shopper's paradise, but at an estimated 1 billion Web pages and growing, it's becoming a pain..Never fear. A computer program may one day do the dirty work. In fact, the programs -- with their increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence and problem-solving capabilities -- may do almost all the work...Comparison shopping sites. The following Web sites, some of which employ limited artificial intelligence programs, take some of the hassle out of shopping by comparison shopping for you: www.BookFinder.com.

The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Web Lets Me Browse World's Best Bookstores (Februari 20, 2000)

Since then I've also used BookFinder.com (less elegant than bibliofind but bigger, and it offers you new as well as old books.

The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa), Great Books Emerge From Years of Use (Februari 16, 2000)

The hard-to-find specimen often turns up online. Among the better choices are Alibris, Amazon and BookFinder.com.

The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa), Independent Booksellers Cozy up to the Web (Februari 14, 2000)

Anirvan Chatterjee, founder of BookFinder.com, where on-line book buyers browse inventories of thousands of independent bookshops around the world, said on-line book indexes like this have helped independents offer books that appear nowhere on their shelves.

ASHA Leader, Stroke Survivors Reach Out (Februari 2000)

The Internet can also help locate more recently published first-hand accounts by stroke survivors...Books out of print may be available from www.BookFinder.com

The Sunday Herald (Verenigd Koninkrijk), Novel way for many investors to make a fortune (Januari 30, 2000)

So how do you spot the copies which will be valuable in the future? Websites such as bookfinder.com can help search for new, used and out- of-print books but, says Selley, nobody can tell you what will be a good investment. 'The experts are at a loss to know who will be the sought after writers in the future,' he admitted. 'All you can do is go by your gut feeling. Buy what you like, that is as good a method as any.'

Martha Stewart Living (CBS), Defining Chair Styles With Albert (Januari 24, 2000)

According to antiques expert and dealer Albert Sack, of Israel Sack in New York City, all antique furniture can be grouped into one of two categories: the simple pine or maple pieces of rural areas and the more sophisticated work produced in urban centers...Recommended Reading: Albert Stack, 'The New Fine Points of Furniture: Early American, Good, Better, Best, Superior, Masterpiece' (Crown, 1993; $50) 'Fine Points of Furniture' (out-of-print). For rare and out-of-print books, try BookFinder.com.

The Dallas Morning News & The Seattle Times, Who wins the shopping game: Internet buyer or phone shopper? (Januari 23, 2000)

A copy of 'Fortunate Son,' by J.H. Hatfield. Hatfield's biography of George W. Bush was pulled from store shelves almost as soon as it rolled off the presses because, among other things, the author turned out to be a paroled felon. In the real world, it's supposedly almost impossible to find. On the Web, it's a cinch: less than a minute at BookFinder.com, a site that specializes in rare and out-of-print books. Price? $25.95 to $150, depending on the retailer and how rare they believe the book is. Time: 1 minute. Hassle factor: 1.

Library Resources & Technical Services Journal, The Selection Connection: Creating an Internal Web Page for Collection Development (Januari 2000)

This feature is continually being augmented with useful resources recommended by the bibliographers. Many of our bibliographers' tools will be described later, but some of our more recent additions include links to BookFinder.com, the New York Times Book Review, a currency converter, and the staff-oriented pages produced by OhioLINK, our statewide consortium.

c't (Duitsland), Bücher Billiger Beschaffen: Gebrauchte und Vergriffene Bücher per Internet (Januari 2000)

BookFinder.com: Eine amerikanische Meta-Suchmaschine, die schon wegen ihrer Größe Erwähnung neben den deutschsprachigen Webseiten verdient, ist der Book-Finder. Er kennt die Bestände von weltweit 10 000 Gebrauchtbuchläden und leitet Kaufinteressenten an diese Händler weiter. Zwar kann man in BookFinder.com keine Sprache als Filterkriterium vorgeben, aber manchmal genügt bei der Suche nach deutschsprachigen Büchern schon der genaue Titel, um die fremdsprachigen Ausgaben des gesuchten Werks auszuschließen. Im Erfolgsfall erscheinen dann auf der englisch geschriebenen Webseite mit den Kaufinstruktionen für amerikanische Nutzer vielleicht die deutschen Kommentare eines deutschen Händlers. Immerhin wird man dann in der Regel einen Telefon- oder Faxkontakt herstellen können.

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